Hysteroscopic metroplasty
A uterine septum is a fibrous band that divides an otherwise normal womb into two halves. It is a much commoner condition than bicornuate uterus (womb with two horns), and can be associated with subfertility or recurrent miscarriage. With such a history, it is usual to investigate the shape of the uterus by hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography (X-ray).
Historically, symptomatic uterine septa were treated by excision of the septum by laparotomy. However, the same result can now be achieved by hysterosocpic metroplasty which involves division of the septum to unify the double womb cavity into one.
Unlike with surgery by laparotomy, hysteroscopic metroplasty is a day-case procedure and pregnancy can be attempted soon afterwards.